2005年5月1日 星期日


"Dream what you want to dream
Go where you want to go
Be what you want to be
because you only have one life
And one chance to do
All the things you want to do"

    這是從我以前的班主任那裡看到的。我很認同當中的because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do

    不過,Dream what you want to Dream Go where you want to go Be what you want to be就要提醒一吓,在實行想法之前,要想清楚你的想法是否正確、是否有違道德倫常、是否對別人及自己有不好的影響呢?這樣,才可令生命活得無悔,活得有意義。



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